2024-2025 Mt. Horeb Elementary Student/Parent Handbook
The administration, faculty, and staff of Mt. Horeb Elementary would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child/children. It is our sincere desire to work closely and cooperatively with you in order to provide your child/children with the best education possible.
- Visitors
- School Hours
- Enrollment
- Inclement Weather
- Emergency Closings
- Child Nutrition Program
- Lunchroom Rules
- Suicide Prevention
- Communicable Diseases
- Meningitis & Flu Awareness
- Immunizations
- Medication
- Textbooks
- Make-Up Work
- Grading System
- Promotion and Retention
- English Learners
- Homebound Instruction
- Homeless Students
- Migrant Students
- Students in Foster Care
- Military Service of a Parent/Guardian
- Transfer Options for Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
- Section 504 and ADA Grievance Procedures
- Title IX & Sexual Harassment
- Emergency Drills
- Asbestos Management Plans
- Directory Information
- After School Care
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Future Changes
- Mt. Horeb Elementary Family Engagement Plan
- Parent Teacher Organization
- Title I Parent Involvement Events
- Volunteering
- Newsletters
- Monitoring Progress
- Conferences/Meetings
- School-Parent Compact
- Staff Training
- Mt. Horeb Elementary School 2024-2025 Parent/School Compact
- As Mt. Horeb Elementary School staff and faculty, we will:
- As parents/families, we will:
- As a student of Mt. Horeb Elementary School, I will:
- Jefferson County Schools: Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Parent Letter
- Hawk's Expectations
- Attendance Policy
- Bus Conduct and Safety
- Code of Conduct Policy
- Drug-Free Schools Policy
- Student Assignment Policy
- Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-bullying Policy
- Zero Tolerance Offenses Policy
- K-5 Dress Code Policy
- Use of Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices Policy
- Visitor Code of Conduct
- *Please sign the last page and return to your child’s homeroom teacher.
- English/Spanish copy of handbook to print
Except on occasions such as school programs, athletic events, open house, and similar public events, all visitors will report to the school office when entering the school and will sign-in. Authorization to visit elsewhere in the building or on the school campus will be determined by the principal/designee. Guest passes shall be issued for all persons other than students and employees of the school.
The principal or his/her designee has the authority to exclude from the school premises any persons disrupting the educational programs in the classroom or in the school, disturbing the teachers or students on the premises, or on the premises for the purpose of committing an illegal act, or on the premises without valid reason. The principal shall engage law enforcement officials when he/she believes the situation warrants such measures.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Visitors to the Schools 1.501
School Hours
Our school day begins at 8:00 a.m., and students are considered tardy at 8:01 a.m. Dismissal begins at 3:00 p.m. Students may not be signed out in the front office after 2:45 p.m. unless there is an emergency.
Bus riders begin dismissing at 3:00 p.m. K-1 car riders are dismissed at 3:00 p.m., 2-3 car riders are dismissed at 3:10 p.m., and 4-5 car riders are dismissed at 3:20 p.m. If you have children in both age page 2 of 24 groups that are car riders, they will be dismissed with the youngest age group. Please make sure to pick your child/children up no later than 3:40 p.m.
Doors will open each morning at 7:15 a.m. Morning bus duty begins at 7:15 a.m. and so we ask that no student arrive prior to that time.
Children entering school for the first time must:
• Complete Jefferson County Schools registration portal and complete any required paperwork
• Have a birth certificate or legal document of birth
• Evidence of a current medical examination. There shall be a complete medical examination of every student entering school for the first time. This applies to kindergarten, first grade and other students for whom there is no health record.
• Have a permanent Tennessee Certificate of Immunization form signed by a medical provider
• Have two (2) proofs of residence – i.e. Utility bill, rental agreement, proof of residence affidavit
• Copies of any necessary legal paperwork
• Please note that additional information may be needed for Kindergarten registration.
• The student should be six years old (five for kindergarten) on/or before Aug. 15th of the current year.
• However, a child does not have to enroll in school at five years of age, but each child must have completed a kindergarten experience before the child’s seventh birthday.
• For more information, please consult JC Board Policies Enrollment 6.200 and 6.203.
Inclement Weather
The Director of Schools will notify all area radio and television stations if classes are cancelled or delayed or if early dismissal is necessary due to bad weather. Parents should listen to one of these stations for this information. Please have a plan already in place so that your child will know what to do in each of these situations. A phone message will be sent to your child’s main contact number. Please keep us updated as phone numbers change.
Emergency Closings
As soon as the decision to close schools is made, the Director of Schools will notify the media and request that an announcement be made.
If school is not in session or is dismissed early due to snow or inclement weather, the Director of Schools in consultation with the principal(s) of the impacted school(s) shall determine if all scheduled activities in which students are involved shall be postponed or cancelled.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Emergency Closings 1.8011.
Child Nutrition Program
Jamie Johnson, Director of Food Services
PO Box 190, Dandridge, TN 37725
1221 Gay St., Dandridge, TN 37725
(865)397-3194 FAX (865)397-3301
*Note: The District shall include this annual notice only if it participates in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, or the Special Milk Program. In the alternative, the notice may need to be modified if the District participates in the Community Eligibility Program. The School Nutrition Program will be operated on a nonprofit basis and will comply with all rules and regulations pertaining to nutrition, health, sanitation, internal accounting procedures, and service of foods and will meet all state and federal and local requirements necessary for participation. The system’s food service supervisor will oversee the program. The principal of each school is responsible for administering the program in the school. All products and services necessary for the operation of the food nutrition department shall be procured using a procurement plan which must comply with federal and state purchasing procedures.
Pricing for student meals are as follows:
Breakfast: Free
Lunch Pre-K-5th Free
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Food Service Management 3.500.
Lunchroom Rules
Students are asked to adhere to the following rules:
1. No loud or inappropriate language: use your normal voice.
2. No throwing food or beverage or smashing food or beverage containers.
3. No harassing or taking food from other students.
4. Leave tables and floor clean and free of trash or food.
5. Use respectful behavior towards lunchroom personnel and fellow students.
6. Remain in your seat until instructed to clean your table or throw your trash away.
Suicide Prevention
The District is committed to protecting the health and well-being of all students and understands that physical, behavioral, and emotional health are integral components of student achievement. Students are strongly encouraged to report if they or a friend are feeling suicidal or in need of help to our school counselor Debbie Finchum at dfinchum@jcboe.net or Carrie Trent at ctrent@jcboe.net.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Student Suicide Prevention 6.415.
Communicable Diseases
No student shall be denied an education solely because of a communicable disease, and his/her educational program shall be restricted only to the extent necessary to minimize the risk of transmitting the disease.
All employees, prior to entering service, shall present a certificate showing a satisfactory health record. Employees shall inform the director of schools whenever they contract a contagious or communicable disease. No employee who has any communicable disease shall perform his/her duties in any location where such might endanger the health of school children. The Board shall require any employee to submit to a physical examination by a physician whenever there is reason to believe that the employee has any communicable disease. The director of schools shall reassign or suspend any employee who is suspected of having a communicable disease which might endanger the health of children, pending investigation and final disposition of the case before the Board. To assist the Board in making final disposition of the case, the director of schools may refer the case to the County Health Office or other medical experts. The Board shall use the written report to determine the employment status of the employee.
Meningitis & Flu Awareness
Per state law, the District is required to provide information to parent(s)/guardian(s) as to the following diseases. Meningococcal meningitis is inflammation of the tissues and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Symptoms can include fever, sudden severe page 5 of 24 headache, stiff neck, rash, nausea, and vomiting. The bacteria that causes meningococcal meningitis is very common. Most people will carry this bacteria in the back of their nose and throat at some point in their lives without ever getting sick. In a few people, the bacteria overcomes the body’s immune system and passes through the lining of the nose and throat into the blood stream where it can cause meningitis. Meningitis is spread through exchange of respiratory droplets or saliva with an infected person. Only a small percentage of people who are exposed to the bacteria will develop meningitis. The bacteria that causes meningitis is not spread by casual contact or by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been. There is a vaccine that will decrease the risk of some types of meningococcal meningitis, but it does not totally eliminate risk of the disease.
Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, feeling tired, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when someone with the flu coughs, sneezes, or talks. A person can also get the flu by touching something that has the flu virus on it and then touching his/her mouth, eyes, or nose. There is a vaccine that can be received in the form of a flu shot or by nasal spray that can protect against the flu.
To receive additional information regarding these diseases, including locations to receive the vaccinations contact Laurie Compton at lcompton@jcboe.net
Students will not be permitted to attend school without proof of immunization as determined by the Commissioner of Health unless circumstances outlined in state or federal law prevent a student from producing such records. It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to have their children immunized and to provide such proof to the principal of the school which the student is to attend.
Exceptions will be granted to any student whose parent/guardian files with school authorities a signed, written statement that such measures conflict with the one of the following:
1. His/her religious tenets and practices if in the absence of an epidemic or immediate threat of an epidemic, except in the event of a COVID-19 or any variant outbreak; or
2. Due to medical reasons if the student has a written statement from his/her doctor excusing him/her from the immunization. The Director of Schools shall ensure that appropriate immunization records are maintained for each 27 students.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Physical Examinations and Immunizations 6.402
If under exceptional circumstances a student is required to take non-prescription or prescription medication during school hours and the parent/guardian cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the principal/designee will assist in self-administration of the medication if the page 6 of 24 student is competent to self-administer medicine with assistance in compliance with the following guidelines. Written instructions signed by the parent/guardian are required and shall include:
1. Child’s name;
2. Name of medication;
3. Name of physician;
4. Time to be self-administered;
5. Dosage and directions for self-administration (non-prescription medicines shall have label directions)
6. Possible side effects, if known; and
7. Termination date for self-administration of the medication.
Students with asthma shall be permitted to self-administer prescribed, metered dosage asthma-reliever inhalers if the additional information is provided by a parent/guardian:
1. Written statement from the prescribing health care practitioner that the student suffers from asthma and has been instructed in self-administration;
and 2. Purpose of the medication.
The medication shall be delivered to the principal's office in person by the parent/guardian of the student unless the medication shall be retained by the student for immediate self-administration.
The principal/designee will:
1. Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication to be self-administered.
2. Keep written instructions from the parent/guardian in the student's record.
3. Keep an accurate record of the self-administration of the medication.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Medicines 6.405.
Make-Up Work
All missed class work or tests (whether from excused or unexcused absence) may be made up if the student makes the request immediately upon returning to school and if class time is not taken from other students.
The perfect attendance certificate will be awarded based on the attendance report kept in the register.
Student attendance records shall be given the same level of confidentiality as other student records. Only authorized school officials with legitimate educational purposes may have access to student information without the consent of the student or parent/guardian.
Grading System
The Director of Schools shall develop an administrative procedure to establish a system of grading and assessment for evaluating and recording student progress and to measure student performance in conjunction with board-adopted content standards for grades K-8. The grading/assessment system shall follow all applicable statutes and rules and regulations of the State Board of Education. The grading/assessment system shall be uniform, district-wide, at comparable grade levels, except that the Director of Schools shall have the authority to establish and operate ungraded and/or unstructured classes in grades K-3 according to state rules and regulations. The Director of Schools shall submit a copy of the grading and assessment systems to the Board before the system is implemented. These guidelines shall be communicated annually to students and parent(s)/guardian(s). Conduct grades are based on behavior and shall not be deducted from scholastic grades.
Subject-area grades shall be expressed by the following letters with their corresponding percentage range:
· A (90-100)
· B (80-89)
· C (70-79)
· D (60-69)
· F (0-59)
This grading system shall be uniform throughout the school district for each grade.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Grading System 4.600.
Promotion and Retention
The Director of Schools/designee shall promote students to the next grade level based on the successful completion of required academic work or demonstration of satisfactory progress in each of page 8 of 24 the relevant academic areas. However, no student enrolled in the third grade shall be promoted unless the student has shown a basic understanding of curriculum and the ability to perform the skills required in the subject of reading as demonstrated by the student's grades or standardized test results. This requirement shall not apply to students who are participating in a board-approved, research-based intervention prior to the beginning of the next school year or to students who have an individualized education program (IEP).
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Promotion and Retention 4.603.
English Learners
If the inability to speak and understand the English language excludes a student from effective participation in the educational programs offered by the District, the District shall take reasonable actions to provide the student equal access to its programs. Students who are English learners (EL) shall be identified, assessed, and provided appropriate services. No student shall be admitted to or excluded from any program or extracurricular activity based on the student’s surname or EL status.
The Director of Schools shall evaluate the effectiveness of the District’s language assistance programs to ensure EL students will acquire English proficiency and the ability to participate in the standard instructional program within a reasonable period of time.
Parents of EL students shall be given notice of, and information regarding, the instructional program within the first thirty (30) days of the school year or within the first two (2) weeks of a student being placed in a language instruction educational program.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education English Learners 4.207.
Homebound Instruction
The homebound instruction program is for students who because of a medical condition are unable to attend the regular instructional program. The homebound instruction program shall consist of three (3) hours of instruction per week while school is in session for a period of time determined, on a case-bycase basis, by the District.
To qualify for this program, a student shall have a medical condition that will require the student to be absent for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive instructional days, or for an aggregate of at least ten (10) instructional days for a student who has a chronic medical condition. The student shall be certified by his/her treating physician as having a medical condition that prevents him/her from attending regular classes. The services provided to the homebound student shall reflect the student’s capabilities and be determined by the homebound instructor, after consultation with appropriate professional staff of the student’s assigned school.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Homebound 4.206.
Homeless Students
Homeless students shall be immediately enrolled, even if the student is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment (i.e., academic records, immunization records, health records, proof page 9 of 24 of residency) or missed the District’s application or enrollment deadlines. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to submit contact information to the District’s homeless coordinator. The Director of Schools shall ensure that each homeless student is provided services comparable to those offered to other students within the District, including transportation, special education services, programs in career and technical education, programs for gifted and talented students, and school nutrition.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Homeless Students 6.503.
Migrant Students
The District shall:
1. Identify migratory students and assess the educational and related health and social needs of each student;
2. Provide a full range of services to qualifying migrant students including applicable Title I programs, special education, gifted education, vocational education, language programs, counseling programs, elective classes, fine arts classes, etc.;
3. Provide migratory students with the opportunity to meet the same statewide assessment standards that all students are expected to meet;
4. To the extent feasible, provide advocacy and outreach programs to migratory students and their families and professional development for district staff; and
5. Provide parent(s)/guardian(s) an opportunity to participate in the program.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Migrant Students 6.504
Students in Foster Care
Students in foster care, including those awaiting foster care placement, shall be immediately enrolled, even if the student is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment (i.e., academic records, immunization records, health records, proof of residency) or missed the District’s application or enrollment deadlines.
The District and the child welfare agency shall determine whether placement in a particular school is in a student’s best interest. Other parties, including the student, foster parents, and biological parents (if appropriate), shall be consulted. If the child has an IEP or a Section 504 plan, then the relevant school staff members shall participate in the best interest decision process. This determination shall be made as quickly as possible to prevent educational disruption.
The District shall collaborate with the local child welfare agency to develop and implement clear and written procedures governing how transportation to a student’s school of origin shall be provided, arranged, and funded. This transportation will be provided for the duration of the student’s time in foster care.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Students in Foster Care 6.505.
Military Service of a Parent/Guardian
A student who does not currently reside within the District shall be allowed to enroll if he/she is a dependent child of a service member who is being relocated to Tennessee on military orders. To be eligible for enrollment, the student will need to provide documentation that he/she will be a resident of the District on relocation. Within 30 days of enrollment, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student shall provide proof of residency within the District.
Students with parent(s)/guardian(s) in the military may also be eligible for excused absences related to his/her deployment.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Military Parents 6.506.
Transfer Options for Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
Under the Tennessee State Board of Education’s Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public school student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district. Additional information regarding this option may be obtained at 865-397-3194 at the Jefferson County Board of Education.
Section 504 and ADA Grievance Procedures
The District is committed to maintaining equitable employment and educational practices, services, programs, and activities that are accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities. To discuss concerns or seek resolutions related to Section 504 or the ADA, contact Debbie Finchum 865-397- 9472 or Carrie Trent 865-397-3194. He/she shall respond to all complaints within twenty (20) days with a written response as well as information on further grievance procedures that may be followed if the complaining party is not satisfied with the coordinator's proposed resolution.
For more information, refer to Jefferson County Board of Education 504 and ADA Grievance 5.501.
Title IX & Sexual Harassment
In order to maintain a safe, civil, and supportive learning environment, all forms of sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex are prohibited. This shall cover employees, employees' behaviors, students, and students' behaviors while on school property, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided equipment or transportation, or at any official school bus stop in accordance with federal law. The Title IX Coordinator shall respond promptly to all general reports as well as formal complaints of sexual harassment and may be reached at any time by Carrie Trent 865-397-3194.
For additional information concerning Title IX and sexual harassment, see board policy 6.3041
Emergency Drills
We practice several emergency drills throughout the year. Each month we have a fire drill and each semester we have a tornado drill and a lock down drill. In the event of an emergency that requires us to activate our Emergency Operations Plan, students will not be dismissed until the activation is lifted.
The Director of Schools shall be responsible for developing, maintaining, and acquiring board approval of the district Emergency Preparedness Plan1 which shall include procedures for bomb threats, civil disturbances, armed intruders, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes or other severe weather, and medical emergencies. The principal of each school shall develop and implement emergency preparedness drills which shall be approved by the Director of Schools. When appropriate, such drills shall be held in conjunction with emergency response agencies.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Emergency Drill 3.202.
Asbestos Management Plans
Directory Information
"Directory Information” relating to a student includes the following: name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent or previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
*The student becomes an “eligible student” when he/she reaches age 18 or enrolls in a post-secondary school, at which time all of the above rights become the student’s rights.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Directory Information 6.601.
After School Care
Jefferson County SACC offers quality childcare for after school, school breaks and summer. SACC is committed to providing a fun, safe and nurturing environment for all students. We have five sites available during the school year and transportation form other schools may be available. We offer care during school breaks and have a summer program that includes weekly field trips. Monday thru Friday 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. For more information, please contact: Alice Webb SACC District-Wide Program Director Phone: 865-640-7536
Non-Discrimination Statement
Non-Discrimination Statement Jefferson County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Carrie Trent / Director of Student Services
PO Box 190, Dandridge, TN 37725
1221 Gay St., Dandridge, TN 37725
(865)397-3194 FAX (865)397-3301
Future Changes
Although every effort will be made to update the handbook on a regular basis, the Jefferson County School District reserves the right to change this handbook and any content within, without notice, except as may be required by state and federal law. As a result, the online version of the handbook shall be the official version.
Mt. Horeb Elementary Family Engagement Plan
As parents and families of students at Mt. Horeb Elementary, you are extremely important to us. Our commitment to helping your child be successful cannot be accomplished without your help. Parents/families and stakeholders alike are involved in school improvement. This plan is a grouping of information that can be useful to you by offering ways to become involved at Mt. Horeb Elementary and in your child’s academic programming.
Parent Teacher Organization
Title I Parent Involvement Events
We are a school-wide Title I school, which means we receive federal funds to benefit all students due to our demographics. Each school year we have a Title I Parent Involvement Night that explains our participation with Title I. All parents and families are encouraged to attend. There is also a ESL Parent Involvement Night for the parents and families of ELL children, and it is coordinated by our ESL teacher, Mrs. Jones.
We welcome parents and families to participate in the daily happenings at Mt. Horeb Elementary. Parents/families may sign up with their child’s teacher to volunteer in the classroom after they completed the volunteer packet and have been screened. Parent volunteers are especially important to our literacy program. Parents can be wonderful, encouraging role models to other children, as well as their own.
Newsletters are a great way for parents and families to keep up with what is going on daily in the classroom. Newsletters also provide information regarding curriculum, instruction and assessment. Also newsletters are useful in helping parents/families remember important upcoming events. Newsletters are available in Spanish. Look for your child’s weekly newsletter.
Monitoring Progress
The school year at Mt. Horeb Elementary is divided into four nine-week grading periods. Grade cards go out at the end of the nine weeks. However, mid-term grades are also sent out each nine weeks before the official grade cards so that parents/families can be aware of their child’s academic achievement and hopefully prevent any undesired grades. Contact the school for any questions, concerns, or additional assistance, such as interpreting your child’s progress.
Parent-teacher conferences are held in fall and spring at Mt. Horeb Elementary. Parents/families are encouraged to attend these conferences to receive progress reports from the teacher and to voice any concerns the parent or teacher may have. In addition, discussing the changes in content standards at these meetings may make parents/families more aware of the demanding academic standards taught in the classroom. If additional meeting times are needed, our faculty is more than happy to make appointments with parents/families during planning times or after school. Bilingual translation is provided if needed.
The Jefferson County Schools website found at jc-tn.net is a great resource for both students and parents/families. The site contains many useful links to activities and information. Our school website mhes.jc-tn.net also contains useful information. In addition, from the link to the Tennessee State Department of Education found at http://www.state.tn.us/education, parents/families may obtain information on a variety of topics including curriculum, assessment, and proficiency levels.
The county website also contains links for parent training. The “Student Resources and Activities” link contains tips for reading with your child and other activities. The “Family Resource Center” link contains pre-school activities, parenting strategies, and information for families with various needs and concerns. Mt. Horeb Elementary has an English as a second language teacher and an interpreter that can help with understanding newsletters and other school news. At the ESL Parent Involvement Night, the ESL teacher advises parents/families on best practices for their students. Our Pre-K classroom at Mt. Horeb Elementary is another source to reach ELL students and their families to create a strong school to home connection and to establish early interventions.
School-Parent Compact
In meeting the requirements for schools being funded by Title I, our school administrators, faculty, and parents have designed a school parent compact. The compact describes our commitment to quality curriculum and instruction and to establishing a safe learning environment. It also includes information about conferences/meetings, grade reports, access to staff and parental responsibilities. A copy of the school-parent compact will be sent out at the beginning of each school year. Additional copies will be available in our front office.
Staff Training
Staff training will be provided throughout the school year during in-service and professional development sessions. The following training sessions will be provided but not limited to: Curriculum information training, Instruction/ assessment training, Literacy training, Technology training & Math training. Each grade level holds weekly PLC meetings pertaining to a variety of education-related topics.
* Copies of this family engagement plan will be distributed to all parents with students at Mt. Horeb Elementary. The process for updating this plan will be done collaboratively on an annual basis to better meet the needs of the students, parents, and school. Any additional comments or questions may be submitted to the principal at shollingshead@jcboe.net or assistant principal at apotts@jcboe.net. Updated 08/2024
Mt. Horeb Elementary School 2024-2025 Parent/School Compact
As Mt. Horeb Elementary School staff and faculty, we will:
As Mt. Horeb Elementary School Staff and faculty, we will:
- Provide an academic program that is individualized and challenging.
- Give parents/families timely reports on student progress and on the school’s overall performance.
- Be accessible to parents/families and respond to their questions and concerns in a timely manner.
- Set and enforce firm and fair safety and discipline policies.
- Provide a warm, safe, and caring environment conducive to learning.
As parents/families, we will:
- Send our children to school on time, appropriately dressed, and prepared to learn.
- Monitor and supervise progress and completion of homework.
- Find a quiet, well-lit place for my child to do his/her homework and see that it is returned to school.
- Read at home together or encourage students to read at least 15 minutes a day.
- Be champions of the school, expressing public support for programs and teachers.
- Attend at least one parent-teacher conference.
- Support the school in its effort to maintain good discipline and a safe environment for learning.
As a student of Mt. Horeb Elementary School, I will:
- Attend school regularly, ready to learn, and with homework completed.
- Talk to my family about problems and progress in school.
- Seek assistance from the teacher when there are problems with schoolwork.
- Follow the discipline, safety, and all other school policies.
- Treat adults and other students with fairness and respect.
Jefferson County Schools: Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Parent Letter
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:
Beginning July 2018, Tennessee Public Schools will be following a new TN law (TCA 49-6-3007) regarding truancy which requires schools to implement progressive truancy interventions for students who violate compulsory attendance requirements. These school-based interventions will be designed to address student conduct related to truancy in hopes of minimizing referrals to juvenile court. Per TCA 49-6- 3007, if the student is absent from school for a total of 5 days during the school year without adequate excuse per Jefferson County Schools Board Policy 6.200, then the student is subject to Juvenile Court.
We are asking for your help from the beginning of this school year, so you are informed early of the TN expectations and are aware of the importance of excused vs unexcused absences.
Although truancy has become a major concern across TN, in Jefferson County our parents have made great improvements in truancy violations over the past years. Jefferson County Juvenile Court worked with 300 families in 2001. By 2017 this number had been reduced to less than 100 families attending court. We are proud of our Jefferson County truancy reduction rates.
Chronic Absenteeism:
Chronic Absenteeism is defined as a student missing 10 percent or 18 total days for the entire school year. Any absence from school is included in the definition of Chronic Absenteeism: excused days, unexcused days and out of school suspensions.
New state requirements asking schools to track Chronic Absenteeism and support students who are absent for any reason are also beginning July 2018. Your child must be present 195 or more minutes in a school day for it to be counted as a full attendance day. Attending less than 195 minutes in a school day will count as an absence. If your child's absences are excessive, the school will contact you and begin student supports and interventions after 9 total absences.
In Jefferson County 1 in 8 school age children are involved in Juvenile Court for numerous reasons including delinquency, dependent/neglect and other offenses. Truancy is one of the leading indicators of low reading abilities, failing grades and later dropping out of school. Please help us keep your children in school every day.
To help your student stay in good standing with attendance, avoiding truancy or chronic absenteeism, we are providing you with the following recommendations;
- Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation.
- Schedule medical and dental appointments after school
- Follow the school calendar posted on the Jefferson County Schools' website to plan vacation days.
- Set a regular bed time and morning routine. Lay out clothing and supplies the night before school days.
- Set your alarm, leaving extra time for unexpected delays.
- Notify the school if your child misses or is going to miss school.
Hawk's Expectations
Hawks' Pride |
I Can Be Respectful |
I Can Be Safe |
I Can Be a Learner |
In the classroom, Hawks will... |
In the cafeteria, Hawks will... |
In the restroom, Hawks will... |
In the hallways, Hawks will... |
In the library and with computers, Hawks will... |
On the playground, Hawks will... |
During car and bus duty, Hawks will... |
At assemblies, Hawks will…. |
Attendance Policy
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement; therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session. The Director of Schools/designee shall develop appropriate administrative procedures to implement this policy.
The Attendance Supervisor shall oversee the entire attendance program which shall include
1. All accounting and reporting procedures and their dissemination;
2. Alternative program options for students who severely fail to meet minimum attendance requirements;
3. Ensuring that all school age children attend school;
4. Providing documentation of enrollment status upon request for students applying for new or reinstatement of driver's permit or license; and
5. Notifying the Department of Safety whenever a student with a driver's permit or license withdraws from school or fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Student attendance records shall be given the same level of confidentiality as other student records. Only authorized school officials with legitimate educational purposes may have access to student information without the consent of the student or parent(s)/guardian(s).
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Attendance 6.200.
Bus Conduct and Safety
In order to maintain proper conditions and environment for learning, no person shall board a school bus, except students assigned to that bus or parents or guardians of students or other persons with legal and valid business on the bus.
The school bus is an extension of school activity; therefore, students will behave on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for safety and behavior in the classroom.
Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on their bus, and all reasonable instructions given by him/her will be followed. A driver may pick up a student in the event that the driver deems it necessary for the safety of the other student passengers or the driver, provided that the driver ensures the safety of the ejected student for the uncompleted trip. A driver should inform the school authorities as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the route, any student who refuses to obey the driver or leave the bus without the driver's permission at a point other than the student's destination for that trip.
The principal of the transported student will be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline issues and may be called upon to help if necessary. A student may be denied the privilege of traveling on the bus if the principal determines that his or her behavior is such as to cause interruptions on the bus or if he or she disobeys applicable policies and procedures related to student transportation.
Any student who gets off the bus at any point between the pick-up point and the school must present the bus driver with a note of authorization from the parent/guardian or the principal of the school the student attends.
Any student who wishes to travel on a bus other than their designated bus must have parental written permission and the approval of the principal/designated.
Students who transfer from bus to bus while in route to and from school are expected to comply with the discipline policies adopted by the Board and the procedures maintained by the terminal school.
Photography and Video Material
Cameras or video cameras can be used to monitor student behavior on school buses that transport students to and from school or extracurricular activities. Photographs and video images will be used only to promote order, safety and security of students, staff and property.
Students who violate the bus's rules of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the board's established policy governing student conduct and discipline.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education 6.308.
Mt. Horeb Elementary Handbook Sign-Off Sheet 2023-2024
• Our school handbook can be found on our school website at mhes.jc-tn.net under the "Our School" tab.
• If you would prefer a paper copy, please contact the front office at 865-397-9472.
• Your signature below confirms that you have received and reviewed a copy of the Mt. Horeb Elementary School Handbook and understand that it includes information concerning the following items: (please return to your child's homeroom teacher)
School Calendar
School Hours
Enrollment Policy
Inclement Weather
Procedures/Emergency Closings
Child Nutrition/Lunchroom Rules
Student Wellness (Suicide Prevention, Communicable Diseases, Meningitis and Flu, Immunizations)
Medication Policy
Textbook Policy
Make-Up Work
Grading System/Promotion and Retention
Student Services (English Learners, Homebound, Homeless, Migrants, Foster Care)
Military Service of a Parent or Guardian
Transfer Options for Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
Section 504 and ADA Grievance Procedures
Title IX & Sexual Harassment
Emergency Drills
Asbestos Management Plan
Directory Information
After School Care
Mt. Horeb Family Engagement Plan
Mt. Horeb Parent/School Compact
Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Parent Letter
Hawks’ Expectations
Attendance Policy
Safety and Bus Conduct Policy
Code of Conduct Policy
Drug-Free Schools Policy
Student Assignment Policy
Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying Policy
Zero Tolerance Offenses Policy
K-5 Dress Code Policy
Use of Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices Policy
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name:_______________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________________
Code of Conduct Policy
The Board delegates to the Director of Schools the responsibility for developing specific codes of conduct that are appropriate for each level of school codes of conduct for pre-kindergarten or kindergarten students will use alternative disciplinary practices. Discipline and discipline will only be used as a measure of last resort. The development of each code will involve managers and staff members at each level and will be based on evidence-based behavioral supports and interventions.
To ensure these goals are achieved, the school district will use multiple strategies including, but not limited to, trauma-informed disciplinary practices, restorative practices, RTI2B, behavioral intervention plans, and a multi-level support system. Directors shall use appropriate discipline management techniques when implementing the code of conduct.
MISBEHAVIORS: LEVEL I This level includes minor bad behavior on the part of the student that impedes orderly classroom guidelines or interferes with the orderly running of the school, but which can usually be handled by an individual staff member.
MISCONDUCT: LEVEL II This level includes bad behavior whose frequency or severity tends to alter the learning climate of the school. These misconducts do not pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others, but they have educational consequences serious enough to require corrective action by administrative staff.
MISCONDUCT: LEVEL III This level includes acts directly against persons or property, but the consequences of which do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others at school.
MISCONDUCT: LEVEL IV This level of misconduct includes acts that result in violence against another person's person or property or that pose a threat to the safety of others at school. These acts are so serious that they usually require administrative actions that result in the immediate expulsion of the student from the school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities, and/or action by the Board.
If a student's action poses a threat to the safety of others at the school, a teacher, principal, school employee, or school bus driver may use reasonable force when necessary to prevent bodily injury or death to another person.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education 6.300.
Drug-Free Schools Policy
Students shall not consume, possess, use, sell, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity, function, or event, whether on or off school grounds.
Disciplinary sanctions shall be imposed on students who violate this standard of conduct. Such sanctions shall be consistent with local, state, and federal laws up to and including suspension/expulsion as well as referral for prosecution. Completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program may also be recommended.
Information about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs shall be made available through the school office.
In order to protect students' rights, safeguard the learning environment and contribute to a "drug-free" community, the Board's plan to address alcohol and drugs1,2 will include the following:
1. Appropriate ways to handle alcohol/drug-related medical emergencies.
2. Guidelines for reporting alcohol/drug incidents and illegal activities.
3. Guidelines for referring students who may have an alcohol/drug problem and/or are considered "high risk" to agencies and other appropriate sources of help.
4. Effective working relationships with appropriate community agencies, such as alcohol/drug service providers, law enforcement agencies, and judicial officials; and
5. Strategies to address student use of tobacco products.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education 6.307
Student Assignment Policy
To Schools
Students will attend school in the school zone to which they are assigned by virtue of their legal and/or custodial parent's residence unless approved by the principal. Residence is defined as the location of the property where the student lives in a dwelling with the parents on a daily basis, eating meals, sleeping, playing and performing what are considered routine family activities.
The principal may approve students attending school outside the area and will establish specific procedures for such enrollment. The principal will provide an annual report per district on the number of students attending outside the area. page 21 of 24
To Classes
The principal will be responsible for assigning all students to the classes.
Students entering the system from another school system must be placed by the principal at the grade and/or level as indicated by the records of the previous school. If the student's placement is inappropriate at the assigned grade or level, he/she may be reassigned by the principal to another grade level. Parents will be kept informed.
The principal will separate an alleged child sexual abuse victim from an alleged perpetrator if the abuse allegedly occurred while the child was under the supervision or care of the school. If available and appropriate, a child will be reassigned if the child's parent or guardian makes a request, and the perpetrator has been: (1) justified by the children's services department; (2) a juvenile court has judged that the child was sexually abused; or (3) criminally charged.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education 6.205
Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-bullying Policy
In order to maintain a safe, civil and supportive environment at school for students to learn and achieve high academic standards, acts of bullying, cyberbullying, discrimination, harassment, bullying, hazing or any other victimization of students, based on any real or perceived trait or characteristic, are prohibited.
This policy will be disseminated annually to all school staff, students, and parents/guardians. This policy will cover employees, employee behaviors, students, and student behaviors while on school property, at any school-sponsored activities, on school-provided equipment or transportation, or at any official school bus stop. If the act is performed outside the school property or outside of a school sponsored activity, this policy is in effect if the conduct is specifically directed at a student and has the effect of creating a hostile educational environment or otherwise creating a substantial disruption in the educational environment or learning process.
The principal/appointee is responsible for educating and training the respective staff and students regarding the definition and recognition of discrimination/harassment.
The Director of Schools will develop forms and procedures to ensure compliance with the requirements of this policy and state law.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education 6.304.
Zero Tolerance Offenses Policy
In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment, the following offences shall not be tolerated:
1. Carrying to school or being in unauthorized possession of a firearm on school property; page 22 of 24
2. Unlawful possession of any drug, including any controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or legend drug on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event;
3. Aggravated assault; or
4. Assault resulting in bodily injury to any teacher, principal, administrator, any other school employee or school resource officer.
Committing any of these offenses will result in a student being expelled from the regular school program for at least one (1) calendar year unless modified by the Principal of Schools. The modification of the time limit shall be granted on a case-by-case basis. Students who commit zero tolerance offenses may be assigned to an alternative school or program at the discretion of the Director of Schools.
When a student is found to have violated this policy, the principal will notify the student's parents/guardians and the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system as required.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Zero Tolerance 6.309.
K-5 Dress Code Policy
Students should dress appropriately at all times. Clothing should never distract from school activities or prove a danger to the safety of the student or the safety of others. If in the opinion of the school administration, a student is not properly dressed or exhibits a toilet that constitutes a distraction or disturbance to the school environment, the student may be sent home and not be readmitted until properly dressed or groomed.
The application of this dress code is the responsibility of the building manager. The principal of the schools shall oversee accountability for compliance through each principal's performance contract. The following outfit is considered inappropriate:
• Hats/handkerchiefs
• Tank tops, T-shirts, shirts, blouses, sweaters, or dresses that are inappropriately revealing or suggestive (no spaghetti straps for students from3 rd to 5 th)
• Jeans with revealing holes above the knee
• Clothing that allows underwear to be visible when standing or sitting
• Any clothing that has obscene or profane language, depiction of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, gang-related
• No clothes that expose the midriff
Shorts that are appropriate in length and style are allowed.
The above list is considered a minimum standard. Principals can modify only to the extent that it is a higher standard.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Dress Code K-5 6.310.
Use of Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices Policy
Students can possess personal communication devices and personal electronic devices. Devices should be stored in cars, lockers, backpacks, purses or personal carrying bags. The principal or his designee may grant a teacher permission to use it for instructional purposes. The principal or his designee may also grant a student permission to use such device at his or her discretion.
Students will not make any use of a cell phone/beeper, pager or any other personal electronic device on any school campus during school day hours. The device must be turned off upon entering the building until the students are fired. This includes all forms of message modes currently available in electronic communication devices, i.e., voice communication, text messages, and visual image transmission.
The Director of Schools will work with school administrators to develop a graduated calendar of consequences for each grade chapter (PreK-5th / 6th – 8th / 9th – 12th). Students and parents should obtain copies of these at the beginning of each school year.
The use of cameras on personal communication devices is strictly prohibited on school property during school hours. Students who violate this policy in areas where others do not have a reasonable assumption of privacy are subject to a police referral.
Improper use of an electronic device while on a Jefferson County school bus is prohibited. Examples of inappropriate activity may include, but are not limitation, watching, playing games, listening to, or sharing material that is not appropriate for all ages.
Students engaged in inappropriate activities, or who refuse to comply with the driver's request, will be subject to disciplinary action by school administrators. Drivers will need to complete a bus referral form and send it to building managers.
For more information refer to Jefferson County Board of Education Use Personal Communication Devices 6.312
Visitor Code of Conduct
In general, visitors are not permitted in the school during the Instructional day. There are limited exceptions to this prohibition including school programs, athletic events, open house, and similar public events.
-With the exception of these public events, all visitors shall adhere to the following exceptions:
- All visitors shall report to the front office and sign in.
- Visitors' driver's licenses will be scanned in order to enter the school building.
- Authorization to visit elsewhere in the building or on the school campus will be determined by the principal/designee.
- Visitor passes/badges will be issued to person other than students and employees of the school.
Additionally, the following behaviors will not be tolerated by any visitor under any circumstances:
- Cursing and use of obscenities;
- Disrupting or threatening to disrupt school or office operations;
- Acting in an unsafe manner that could threaten the health or safety of others;
- Verbal or written statements or gestures indication intent to harm an individual or property;
- Possession of a dangerous weapon; and
- Physical attacks intended to harm an individual or substantially damage property.
Anyone failing to abide by these expectations will be asked to leave and, depending on the circumstances, may be prohibited from coming onto school property in the future.
For questions regarding the- Visitor Code of Conduct, please contact:
Dr. Hollingshead, Principal 865-397-9472
*Please sign the last page and return to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Mt. Horeb Elementary Handbook Sign-Off Sheet 2024-2025
· Our school handbook can be found on our school website at mhes.jc-tn.net under the Our School tab.
· If you would prefer a paper copy, please contact the front office at 865-397-9472.
· Your signature below confirms that you have received and reviewed a copy of the Mt. Horeb Elementary School Handbook and understand that it includes information concerning the following items (please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher):
School Calendar
School Hours
Enrollment Policy
Inclement Weather Procedures/Emergency Closings
Child Nutrition/Lunchroom Rules
Student Wellness (Suicide Prevention, Communicable Diseases, Meningitis and Flu, Immunizations)
Medication Policy
Textbook Policy
Make-Up Work
Grading System/Promotion and Retention
Student Services (English Learners, Homebound, Homeless, Migrants, Foster Care)
Military Service of a Parent or Guardian
Transfer Options for Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
Section 504 and ADA Grievance Procedures
Title IX & Sexual Harassment
Emergency Drills
Asbestos Management Plan
Directory Information
After School Care
Mt. Horeb Family Engagement Plan
Mt. Horeb Parent/School Compact
Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Parent Letter
Hawks’ Expectations
Attendance Policy
Safety and Bus Conduct Policy
Code of Conduct Policy
Drug-Free Schools Policy
Student Assignment Policy
Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying Policy
Zero Tolerance Offenses Policy
K-5 Dress Code Policy
Use of Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices Policy
Visitor Code of Conduct
Student’s Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________________________________________________